App: FoodPal - diet plan
FoodPal - Ernährungsplan

Offal - Calorie table


Offal is the internal organs of animals suitable for consumption. They are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world and are an important source of protein. Offal includes liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and brain.

Offal has an intense flavor and texture, so it is used as an ingredient in recipes to enhance the flavor of dishes. They are also rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamin B12, iron and zinc.

They are a component of many traditional cuisines and have a long history as a delicacy in many cultures.

The offal calorie chart lists all foods with calories and nutritional values. Detailed nutritional values such as carbohydrates, protein and fat can be found with the respective product in the offal nutrition table.

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Die auf der Webseite dargestellte FoodPal-Version ist erst demnächst im Apple App Store und Google Play Store erhältlich.