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Avocado (fresh)

Avocado (fresh)

Avocado (fresh)

Avocado (fresh) - Nutritional values for 1 Piece (160 g):

220.8 kcal
4.8 g
1.6 g
19.2 g

Avocado (fresh) - Nutrition table:

Calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat can be viewed here in the calorie table and nutrition table.


Per 100 g Per portion (160 g)

Calorific value

577 kJ 923.2 kJ


138 kcal 220.8 kcal


3 g 4.8 g


1 g 1.6 g


12 g 19.2 g

Macronutrient distribution:

The food Avocado (fresh) is composed of the following macronutrients.

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Avocados are rich in nutrients and offer many health benefits. The following are some of the benefits:

  • Avocados contain healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fatty acids, which can lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • They are a good source of fiber, which can aid digestion and promote feelings of fullness.
  • Avocados also contain many important nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C and folic acid, which are important for overall health and well-being.
  • They are a good source of potassium and are low in sodium, which can help regulate blood pressure.
  • Avocados can also help with weight control and improve overall eye health.
  • They are also rich in antioxidants and have a low glycemic index, which means they do not raise blood sugar levels quickly.
  • Avocados are known in the diet as a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that protect the eyes from harmful UV rays and can reduce the incidence of eye diseases such as macular degeneration.
  • Avocados are also a good substitute for highly processed fats in the diet, as they provide a healthy source of fat.

What to know about avocados

Avocados are fruits grown mainly in the tropics and subtropics. They have a green, leathery skin and a buttery, greenish flesh. Avocados are ripe when they can be easily squeezed. Avocados are considered a superfood and a healthy food supplement because of their high nutrient content.

They can be eaten raw or cooked and are often used in salads, sandwiches, salsas and guacamole. Avocados are also a popular ingredient in many vegetarian and vegan dishes, as they are a good source of healthy fats and nutrients and have a creamy texture that makes them a good substitute for animal products.

Avocados are rich in nutrients and offer many health benefits. They contain lots of healthy fat, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C and folic acid. They are also a good source of potassium and are low in sodium.

Avocados should be stored at room temperature so they can ripen quickly. If they are already ripe, they can be stored in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life.

Frequently asked questions

How do I select a ripe avocado?

To select a ripe avocado, you should do the following: Press lightly on the avocado with your finger. If it gives, it is ripe and can be eaten. If it remains hard, it is not yet ripe and needs to ripen for a few more days. Check the color of the avocado. A ripe avocado should be dark green, while an unripe avocado is light green. Check the top of the avocado. If it is brown, it is overripe and should not be eaten. If you want to buy avocados in bulk or store them longer, choose the unripe ones.

How do you store avocados properly?

There are a few ways to properly store avocados to extend their shelf life: unripe avocados should be stored at room temperature so they can ripen quickly. Avocados that are already ripe can be stored in the refrigerator. To keep avocados fresh longer, you can remove the pit and wrap the avocado with plastic wrap before placing it in the refrigerator. If you cut an avocado in half and don't want to use all of the contents, you can place the unused part, skin side down, in a bowl of water and cover it to keep it fresh.

What varieties of avocados are there?

There are many different varieties of avocados grown around the world. Some of the most popular varieties are Hass, Fuerte, Bacon, Pinkerton and Reed.

Which avocados are best for guacamole?

The best varieties for guacamole are avocados like Hass, which are firmer and have a nutty flavor because they don't mash easily and blend better with the other ingredients in the guacamole.

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