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FoodPal - Ernährungsplan
Pak Choi (fresh)

Pak Choi (fresh)

Pak Choi (fresh)

Pak Choi (fresh) - Nutritional values for 1 Piece (400 g):

36 kcal
8 g
4 g
0 g

Pak Choi (fresh) - Nutrition table:

Calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat can be viewed here in the calorie table and nutrition table.


Per 100 g Per portion (400 g)

Calorific value

37 kJ 148 kJ


9 kcal 36 kcal


2 g 8 g


1 g 4 g


0 g 0 g

Macronutrient distribution:

The food Pak Choi (fresh) is composed of the following macronutrients.

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Pak Choi is a popular Asian vegetable with many health benefits. Here are some of the most important benefits:

  • Pak Choi is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are important for a healthy diet.
  • Pak Choi contains pectin, a dietary fiber that can lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • It contains vitamin C, an important nutrient for the immune system.
  • Pak Choi contains isothiocyanates, a type of compound that can lower the risk of cancer.
  • It is low in calories, making it ideal for a healthy diet.
  • Pak Choi contains potassium, an important mineral that can regulate blood pressure.

What to know about pak choi

Pak choi is an Asian vegetable also known as bok choy. It belongs to the cruciferous family and is commonly used in Asian cuisine. Pak choi has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a soft texture.

The vegetable grows on short, bushy plants and has large, white stems with green leaves. It is available in a variety of sizes and shapes, including small and large plants.

The vegetable can be used raw in salads, but is often boiled or roasted for use in soups, stews, curries and other Asian dishes.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best way to store pak choi?

Pak Choi is best stored in the refrigerator. This will keep it fresh for up to a week. 

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