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Cherries (fresh)

Cherries (fresh)

Cherries (fresh)

Cherries (fresh) - Nutritional values for 100 Gram :

62 kcal
13 g
0 g
0 g

Cherries (fresh) - Nutrition table:

Calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat can be viewed here in the calorie table and nutrition table.


Per 100 g

Calorific value

267 kJ


62 kcal


13 g


0 g


0 g

Macronutrient distribution:

The food Cherries (fresh) is composed of the following macronutrients.

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Cherries have a number of health benefits:

  • Cherries are rich in vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants and fiber.
  • Potassium regulates blood pressure.
  • Vitamin C contained in cherries strengthens the immune system and helps fight infections and diseases.
  • Cherries contain substances that can relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
  • They also contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

What you should know about cherries

Cherries are small, sweet fruits of the cherry tree (Prunus cerasus). They are used as a snack or as an ingredient in desserts, cakes and jams.

There are several types of cherries, including sweet cherries, sour cherries, and apricot cherries. Sweet cherries are the most commonly used varieties and are often eaten raw, while sour cherries are often used to make jams, chutneys and liqueurs.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best way to store and preserve cherries?

Cherries should be stored at room temperature. They are best consumed within a few days or stored in the refrigerator. They can be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week. If cherries are to be stored longer, they can be frozen. In the freezer, they will keep for up to a year.

What are the different types of cherries?

There are many varieties of cherries, varying in size, color, flavor and use. Some of the most popular varieties are: Sour cherries, Heart cherries, Bing cherries, Lambert cherries, Morello cherries, Rainier cherries and Montmorency cherries.

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