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Eggplant (fresh)

Eggplant (fresh)

Eggplant (fresh)

Eggplant (fresh) - Nutritional values for 1 Piece (340 g):

68 kcal
6.8 g
3.4 g
0 g

Eggplant (fresh) - Nutrition table:

Calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat can be viewed here in the calorie table and nutrition table.


Per 100 g Per portion (340 g)

Calorific value

83 kJ 282.2 kJ


20 kcal 68 kcal


2 g 6.8 g


1 g 3.4 g


0 g 0 g

Macronutrient distribution:

The food Eggplant (fresh) is composed of the following macronutrients.

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Eggplants are a healthy and versatile ingredient in the kitchen. They contain numerous nutrients. These are the benefits:

  • Eggplants contain many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and potassium. They also contain fiber and are rich in antioxidants.
  • They contain solanine, a substance that can lower cholesterol.
  • Eggplants contain potassium, a mineral that can lower blood pressure. Potassium intake is associated with a lower risk of high blood pressure.
  • They contain few calories.

What to know about eggplants

Eggplants, also called egg fruits or melanzani, are berry fruits that originated in India and other parts of Asia. Today, they are grown in many parts of the world and are especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine.

Eggplants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but the most common varieties are oblong, pear-shaped and dark purple. They have a smooth, shiny skin and soft, fleshy flesh. Eggplants have a mild, slightly bitter-sweet flavor and are often used in cooking to enhance sauces, soups, gratins and other dishes or as a filling for vegetable stir-fries and sandwiches.

Frequently asked questions

How are eggplants grown?

Eggplants are grown all over the world and belong to the nightshade family. They are usually grown in warm, sunny climates, but can also be cultivated in greenhouses or in cooler temperatures. Eggplants do best in well-drained, fertile soil. They require plenty of water and sunlight and need to be watered and weeded regularly. Eggplants are usually hand planted or grown from seed in small pots until they are large enough to be planted out in the garden or greenhouse.

How are they harvested?

Eggplants take about three to four months to germinate from seed and mature. When they are ripe, they are a dark purple color and are smooth and shiny. The eggplants are then harvested by hand by carefully cutting them from the plant.

What are the eggplant varieties?

There are many varieties of eggplant in different sizes and shapes. Some of the most commonly grown varieties are Black Queen, Rosa Bianca and Little Fingers.

How do you store eggplants?

Eggplants should be stored at room temperature, not in the refrigerator, or they will become soft and mushy. It is best to store them in a cool, dark place to keep them fresh longer.When eggplants are cut, they should be used as soon as possible because they turn brown quickly.

What is the shelf life of eggplants?

Eggplants can be kept at room temperature for about a week.

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