App: FoodPal - diet plan
FoodPal - Ernährungsplan

Calorie table

Information about calorie tables

Calorie tables are tables that provide information on the nutrients and calories of various foods. They can help in planning a balanced diet by helping to monitor daily energy intake and nutrient intake compared to recommendations.

Calorie tables typically provide information on the nutrients found in foods, such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They may also include information on other nutrients such as cholesterol, sodium and sugar.

It is important to note that the information in calorie tables represents average values based on laboratory tests and other scientific methods. Actual nutrient and calorie contents of foods may vary due to factors such as manufacturing processes, ingredients and serving sizes.

It is also important to note that calories alone do not determine the overall value of a food. A healthy diet also includes the intake of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are important for health. Therefore, one should not only rely on calorie tables, but also pay attention to other sources such as food pyramids and recommendations from health organizations.

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Die auf der Webseite dargestellte FoodPal-Version ist erst demnächst im Apple App Store und Google Play Store erhältlich.