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Mango (fresh)

Mango (fresh)

Mango (fresh)

Mango (fresh) - Nutritional values for 1 Piece (500 g):

305 kcal
60 g
0 g
0 g

Mango (fresh) - Nutrition table:

Calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat can be viewed here in the calorie table and nutrition table.


Per 100 g Per portion (500 g)

Calorific value

259 kJ 1295 kJ


61 kcal 305 kcal


12 g 60 g


0 g 0 g


0 g 0 g

Macronutrient distribution:

The food Mango (fresh) is composed of the following macronutrients.

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Mangoes are a popular fruit grown in many parts of the world. The health benefits are many:

  • Mangoes contain many important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and B, as well as potassium and magnesium.
  • They are high in fiber and low in calories.
  • Mangoes contain enzymes that support intestinal function.

What to know about mangoes

Mangoes belong to the sumac family and are related to cashews and pistachios. Mangoes have an elongated, oval shape and a thick, yellow, orange or red skin. The flesh is soft and juicy and tastes sweet and aromatic.

Mangoes are used as fruit and in cooking in many countries. They are commonly used in juices, jams, cakes and other desserts, as well as savory dishes such as chutneys and curries. Mangoes are also a popular ingredient in many Asian and Latin American dishes.

Frequently asked questions

How do I recognize ripe mangoes?

Mangoes are ripe when they have a slightly soft texture and a pleasant aroma.

How do I store mangoes?

Mangoes should ripen at room temperature, but if they are already ripe, they can be stored in the refrigerator to keep them fresh longer.

Can mangoes be eaten raw?

Mangoes can be eaten raw. They taste best when they are ripe and have a soft, juicy texture.

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